LiTeRaTuRe iN MaLaYSiaN SCHooLS...!!!

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So, LiMS was done. I opened the paper which made me fell into an exasperating shock! The format had changed! Like we weren’t even told about it before and suddenly everything on the paper was about comparing and contrasting.

The first question was asking us to state the metaphor in either the poem “Leisure” or “Nature”. When I saw that question, I began to wonder. Did I even know the real meaning behind the word metaphor? I mean, I knew it before but at that moment in the exam, I was puzzled. I wondered if my understanding of metaphor is the same with the real meaning of metaphor. I ended up describing the whole poem instead. (-___-)”

The second and third question was about comparing and contrasting between 2 poems but somehow I couldn’t recall what the questions asked. Well, I don’t think it matters anymore. Then I went to Part B which had 2 questions. The first question was about comparing and contrasting (again!) the conflict between 2 short stories while the second question was relating the given theme in the question to either a novel or the 2 dramas. I chose to answer question 1 as I know short stories better than the novel and dramas. I wrote about the conflict in the stories “One is One and All Alone” and “The Fruitcake Special”.

Stay tuned if you wanna know what happened in the second last paper, Sociology of Education. While waiting for me to create another entry, please help me “abuse” the ads in my blog, the one on the top and the one at the right above the chatting section. Help me pretty please okay. (^__^)

PRiNCiPLeS & PRaCTiCeS in eNGLiSH LaNGuaGe TeaCHiNG...!!!

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Okay! I’ve just had the time to update this blog. Despite the fact that I’m freaking busy this exam week, I just feel like I need to update on all exam immediately because my mind would still be fresh.

Yeah, it happened yesterday. Once again, I didn’t know what to feel right after the exam has finished. Have u ever felt when you know you have read about something and sure about something but when it came out in exam your mind just couldn’t process the right thing to write. I couldn’t dig the information out of me. How frustrating is that?

I remember the questions that are still haunting me. One of them is defining the term Strategic Investment. I seriously read about it many times but at the time that I needed the information the most, it just didn’t come out! Of all terms, why did I have to forget that particular term?! Well, it already happened. There’s no use regretting now.

We also got our carry marks for Instructional Technology and I only got 40.5% out of 60%. I’m somehow disappointed with the marks because there was an assessment where we had to create an edublog and I followed each and every requirement instructed by the lecturer. I put every kind of multimedia in it, because it appealed to him. But apparently despite all the praises that he gave me in class, I only got 6.5% out of 10%.

It’s okay. I’m gonna keep on putting my effort in it and I still have a lot of time because IT’s paper is the final paper in this exam season. Hope that I can pull my pointer up with the assistance of this course. Okay, I better go. I need to finish revise all poems, short stories, plays and novels.

Astalavista baby! (^__^)