STRuCTuRe oF eNGLiSH...!!!

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So we finished with Syntax today. I don’t know if I can say it as relief or not because I did it badly. Maybe I should start to be a little bit more diligent after this. Want to know how bad I did my Syntax? Well, here goes.

I went into Cendana Hall fully prepared. The lecturers who were invigilating were Miss Fatin, Madam Sharifah and a male Master student. I sat at the back. I like seeing everybody while doing my exam, seeing who comes out first and who comes out last, so on and so forth. After I took a seat, I filled up my attendance form.

The course’s name is actually Structure of English coded TSL476. There were 5 parts, and everything was extremely difficult. I took a lot of time trying to answer the questions right in the first 4 parts till I didn’t have enough time to finish all 10 tree diagrams. Sadly, I only managed to finish 5 out of 10 tree diagrams. I was so sad that I didn’t even know how to be upset anymore. I guess other people would be crying in the toilet or something for not completing their tree diagrams, but instead I went to the TESL Square and sit there looking into the blue sky stare at nothing. Considering that we haven’t gotten our carry marks yet and that’s making it even more unbearable. The fact that I might have to repeat this course in the next semester just creeps the hell out of me.

The next paper is the hardest, PELT. I don’t know what I’m gonna with this. I’m trying really hard forcing myself to read the notes but the laziness just keeps on bugging me. Hope I’m not gonna regret this. I surely don’t want to repeat any papers.

Wanna know what happened with PELT? Stay tuned. ☺

HaPPY BiRTHDaY To Me...!!!

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Happy birthday to me! Okay I forgot to put this update. I went to Secret Recipe with Eija & Amir because they were the only ones who were willing to join me celebrating my birthday. Let the pictures tell all the stories.

 I'm old now...

eTHNiC ReLaTioNS...!!!

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Hey guys! Here we meet again. As I told you in my previous entry, we’re having our final examination right now. Despite the fact that I’m freaking busy right now but I spare some of my time just to entertain my fellow readers, which some of them are my friends. (^__^)

Okay, so we had our first paper which was Ethnic Relations coded as CTU553. The paper started at 9.00am and ended at 11.00am. It basically took 2 hours because the credit hour for this course is also 2.

I wasn’t that worried about this paper because last semester I had CTU551 and it turned not as difficult as I thought it would be. It was the same with this course. Basically it was about different ethnics, how to live in harmony and peace in a multiracial country, Malaysia’s Constitution, why people shouldn’t question about Malay’s special rights and so on.

I’m hopeful that I can get an A again for this course because last semester I got an A- for similar course. I’m gonna write about Structure of English coded TSL476 in the next entry. Stay tuned! (^__^)

a SHoRT uPDaTe...!!!

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Hi fellow readers. It was a really long time ago since the last I updated. I'm sorry as I didn't have the time to pour my thoughts and write them on this blog. I may have made my readers feel bored by old updates. 

This semester has been really tough on me. We had done fundraising, co-drama, and a whole lot more. I'm having my study week as we speak and I'll be having my final examination starting from the 28th of April. If you look closely to the date, the next day to our first paper is my birthday. I'm so looking forward to celebrating my birthday this year as this will be the year where I'll leave my teen year. Yeah, no more "teen" as a suffix every time I tell people how old I am in the future.

I don't know what to feel or how to feel about my age now. Am I supposed to feel happy because I'm getting close to maturity or should I feel unenlightened because I'm getting old? Haha. I think it's the matter of seeing it from your own perspective, whether to see a glass half full or a glass half empty. Usually, I see everything half full, and this will be the same, I guess.

I better get going now. I need to stick the Ethnic Relations facts into this thick skull of mine. As usual, I'll update on every paper that we have. See you on the next entry.

Best wishes. (^__^)